Why Australia?
JPB Liberty Pty Ltd is incorporated in Australia because it is the best jurisdiction for doing Web 3.0 Litigation Funding of large global class actions.
Australia is the pioneer and world leader in litigation funding with a clear and light touch regulatory framework
Litigation Funding for class actions whose signup process is closed before 22 Aug 2020 is specifically exempt from Australian securities regulation
Token Sales for Litigation Funding purposes fall within this exemption
Some of the biggest and most established global litigation funders are based in Australia
Australia has one of the best class action regimes for plaintiffs in the world
Persons within the defined class are automatically class members unless they opt out
Cases do not need to be certified by the Court before proceeding
Only one substantial common issue needs to link class members
Australian Competition and Consumer Law is plaintiff friendly and broader than many other jurisdictions
competition law includes black letter law per se breaches that do not require the complex and expensive task of market definition
Australia is a well respected common law jurisdiction with strong rule of law and connections to other advanced economies.
This assists in recognition of Australian judgments in key overseas jurisdictions where defendant companies are headquartered
The CEO of JPBLiberty, Andrew Hamilton, is also a very experienced Australian lawyer and litigator with a rare gift in seeing legal strategies others miss. His 25 year legal record includes:
winning two underdog vs the system cases in the High Court of Australia
being rated one of the top in-house lawyers in Australia on numerous occasions
running a Federal Court class action as solicitor and barrister
inventing and implementing numerous innovative legal and litigation strategies